Jan 7Liked by The Unhurried Reader

This has resonated with me so much, I started my Bookstagram account with the intent to read what was on my shelves; it is called Travels Along My Bookshelf. It did not come to fruition and I succumbed to the call of new books. I like you want to engage with the books I already own, although I am committed to new books coming from publishers already, it is my aim to try to reduce that and to read books I already own.

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Jan 7Liked by The Unhurried Reader

I bought very few books last year (a necessary budget-adjustment) and read mostly from the library. I, too, have far too many unread books and decided that between the library and reading from my shelves I would be wonderfully entertained. And I was! It also made the books I received as Christmas gifts all the more precious -- which felt like it used to feel when I was a kid and Christmas and birthdays were the only times I got new books. I plan to keep up the no-buy and work my way through my shelves...for the unread and the re-reads (though I did get two gift cards which I've already redeemed for three books which have been on my wishlist for ages but I don't think that counts :))

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Jan 7Liked by The Unhurried Reader

Last year I too came across this Susan Hill on my shelves and, although I failed dismally in not bringing in new books in to the house, I discovered some wonders that had languished on my shelves for years as a result. This year I intend to read more of those "lost" books and am sure you will discover some wonders too. A lovely piece to read.

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Jan 7Liked by The Unhurried Reader

"... the arrival of Plough Monday lends an inevitable sense of new beginnings, of breaking new ground figuratively as well as literally."

What a delightful piece of writing!

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Jan 7Liked by The Unhurried Reader

How I recognise that surfeit of books ... we too have groaning shelves: such joy and comfort, but yes, there’s those still awaiting our engagement, so a bit of shame / embarrassment too. After a culling a year back (which resulted in several trips to donate to a local second hand bookshop) I have tried to use the library more for new stuff I just can’t live without, turned off the tele and read lots more (62 last year, my best yet!) and am determined to keep on reading all the good stuff accumulated ... not sure I’ll manage buying no books though and already have treated myself to some books in Spanish as I’m in the Canaries and like to visit la Liberia de Mujeres, but I do try to get must haves via WOB or an indie (do I get a bye? 😉). Good luck with your endeavour, I will be trying my best to join you from now on.

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Jan 8Liked by The Unhurried Reader


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Jan 14Liked by The Unhurried Reader

This has been so encouraging to read as I have many books on my shelves still to read, and sometimes feel a vague sense of longing to re-immerse myself back into the atmosphere of past reads. This year I am, little, by little, going to take on the task of cleaning and sorting an enormous and dauntingly messy bookcase, so it is the perfect year for rediscoveries.

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Jan 13Liked by The Unhurried Reader

I very much appreciated this essay...years ago I committed to 'reading through' my own library. When our son was two we rid our home of cable television and turned the 'living room' into a library -- complete with floor-to-ceiling shelves.

In other words, I have plenty of books to read.

I always wish to write about the books I'm reading, but oftentimes they're outdated. The internet appears to enjoy only the shiny and new. It's refreshing to learn others enjoy finding 'recently turned up titles' too!

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Jan 12Liked by The Unhurried Reader

I am joining you on, at least attempting, to not buy any more books this year. Partially due to me moving into a smaller space, but also, like you, in an attempt to reconnect with the books I bought with so much joy and then who ended up in my ever growing pile of unread books.

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Jan 12Liked by The Unhurried Reader


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Jan 10Liked by The Unhurried Reader

So interesting to read as I've just allocated this the year I AM allowed to buy books after a few lean years and much down-sizing. Glad to hear you won't be 'starving' in book terms and have plenty lined up, though.

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Such a beautiful piece, and I was surprised and very touched to find a bit from my book quoted (a feeling I will never get used to!). I’m also in a season of deep rereading - with stories I encountered first in my 20s landing very differently now that I’m 50 and have risked more, and made more mistakes! x

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Jan 9Liked by The Unhurried Reader

In a conversation with daughter about the extent of the home library, whether to cull, whether to abstain from the new I realised what I needed to do was read the big books. These may be big in import or simply doorsteps and possibly both. Committing to a slow read of War and Peace over @FOOTNOTES.AND.TANGENTS has been a wonderful and illuminating start to the year.

I have 30 selected titles, quite a lot 19th century but A S Byatt, Vikram Seth and Sarah Waters in there, too. Allowing myself some light crime page turners along the way.

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Jan 9Liked by The Unhurried Reader

So many books, so little time (*not really, we have all the time we need ☺️).

Thank you for your beautiful words. 2024 is plotted to be my 'year of reading'. I'm not sure yet what that looks like, but I know I will enjoy being here with your words too.

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Jan 8Liked by The Unhurried Reader

I have also read Susan Hill's "Howard's End is on the Landing" and found it fascinating and I hope you enjoy your year of rediscovering your books. I enjoy reading your on here and on Instagram so look forward to seeing what gems you have on your bookshelves. I love January too!

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Jan 8Liked by The Unhurried Reader

A lovely share thank you, to me your posts have a mindful element which offer a breath of air. I have also been contemplating my full bookshelves and the leaning towers of books on table tops and recently rejoined the library in an effort to share rather than accumulate. However, here in Ireland the library no longer fines for late returns and books can be returned and borrowed to and from any library in the county which means I now have to be extra careful not to relax too far into this generosity and add to the pile. I also plan to unearth and read the books I have not read yet - Plough Monday seems a good day to start and it sounds like I'm in good company although my hoarding tendency is challenging. 🕊️

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